My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability
My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability


O’ Lord 

 What didn’t u give whom u give foolishness?! 


What did u give whom u didn’t give foolishness?!

 Dr. ALi Shariati

translator: Reza


There are many forests around the world disappearing. People increasingly cut down trees and harm the environment by deforestation. The world can help the environment by protecting the woods, in my opinion.

Firstly, it is a good idea if the governments forbid deforestation in some places. Some forests have unique species of animals and plants, and they deserve to save for the next generations and the environment itself. People can save some nearly extinct animals by restoring their ecosystems.

Secondly, the governments might pass laws to force logging factories to implant new trees instead of those cut down. If people involved in cutting the trees plant new trees, we hope that forests will survive after some decades.

Finally, we can mobilize the whole society by focusing on changing their viewpoint. Mass media may help the situation by giving relevant information to people about the importance of forests for their health and life. The Governments could manage the education systems to teach kids during elementary and middle school when their characters are firming. It could be better if movie makers, authors, sports superstars, politicians, etc., joined this campaign. They are the references of people, and if they talk to their fans about protecting forests, too many believe them.

I emphasize we can save forests if we put our energy together. Logging factories can limit their ambitus, the laws can help the situation and improve the vanishing forest, and changing people's culture makes them commit to protecting forests and the environment.

being too smart is not too smart

Just as being too nice is not too nice, being too smart is not too smart

Aging people problem

By 2030, over one-third of the population in most developed countries will be aged 65 and over. Can this fact make trouble? The experts answer: Yes. They say that in this case, balancing these countries' budgets will not continue anymore because the income taxes will be reduced in the future, and the states will likely have money issues. On the other hand, those states will have to spend more to care for aging people, so they will need more money to expand their infrastructures. They will have to build more hospitals and nursing homes; however, these necessities will put more pressure on their restricted budget.

But is there any solution for the developed countries dealing with this issue? Firstly, they can raise the age of the retirement of their people. The current retirement age in most European countries is 65, and in some countries, for instance, Italy is 62 for both men and women. The life expectancy index of these countries is above 75 years old, and the situation in North America and Australia is the same. Nevertheless, North America, Europe, and Australia can increase the retirement age to 70. In this case, these countries will have more income taxes. Also, pension funds will increase their income. Thus, they will have more recourses to cover their members.

Secondly, the developed countries should consider more advantages to everybody who wants to continue his carrier more than 75 years old. For example, they can authorize a tax discount for those people or establish some health facilities. By giving fair rewards to people, they will encourage them to work more than before, and as a result, the budgets and pension funds will have secured.

Finally, developed countries can reconsider their migration laws to attract more young immigrants from other countries. They will be the new blood to their new countries’ veins. The young immigrant will have worked for a long time, and they will have paid more taxes. They have new ideas and will help the developing process in their new homes.

Although aging people can cause some problems for developed countries, they can use some treatments to deal with this complicated problem.

The grandmother of all genres

Following the intense request of a group of our jocose young people, who had complained through SMS, e-mail, and webcam about the lack of seksy posts in this weblog, and finally, when a searcher found here by the keyword "I and nakkkeed mom," Chumley and I jumped to the conclusion that we should address this need

Sir/Madam, intelligence is seksy. Intelligence is as seksy as all the curves of the body. Maybe even seksier than the shin. Now, when I mention intelligence, don't think of a boy with greasy hair, oversized glasses, gray pants, and a Seiko watch. Don't think of a bearded acne girl in dark brown baggy pants, bearing four big folders when she staggers. On the other hand, don't think that anyone who became the top student somewhere can make a person's heartbeat as much as George Clooney or Jessica Alba, and if you have a scientific achievement, you can easily unlock the lock of the opposite sex. No, my dear! Nope

But ... when you know that he/she is smart and his/her smartness doesn't need to be proven, and he/she may belong to this university or that institute. When you know that his/her skull is not filled with plaster, and he/she can see more than his/her nose. When you know that you can count on him/her about things or questions "outside of the textbooks" and so on, then if you can talk to this person about anything except science and knowledge, for instance, about movies, cars, literature, music, games, girls and boys, dishes, drinks, and routine events, even absolute nonsense bullshits, and you be satisfied entirely and you say in your heart,: Hey, he/she cool, that is so seksy

From Osmisis Gones

Translated from Persian: Myself